Friday, 29 September 2023

IELTS Listening Module


Listening Module in IELTS

IELTS Listening Module is appeared in the beginning of the test. The Listening test is the same for both IELTS Academic test and IELTS General Training test. It consists four different parts. Each parts has ten questions where you will get 30 seconds pauses in the middle of the questions except in part 4. You will have 1 to 40 questions which you hear only once the audio clips. You will have 30 minutes average time to hear the audio where you will be provided British, American and Australian accents. Later, you will have 10 minutes extra time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

IELTS Listening Answer sheet

Let's learn about the different parts of listening and how they appear in the exam.


This section is the easiest section. Speaker talks quite slowly making pauses. The key information is usually repeated.

        Examples: two people talking about their journey, asking about the destination, one is giving advices to another about a new project, two men are discussing about the result of football match, tourist registering at the hotel etc. You have to focus on the given facts (information).


A monologue about everyday situation where the speaker talks quite slowly, but makes less pauses than in previous part

Example: information for potential buyer about new built flats, radio interview about lake resort, advertisement about positive effect of a new toothbrush etc. You have to focus on the given facts (information).


It is a conversation about 2, 3 or 4 speakers about educational (academic) or training situations.

This part is comparatively difficult than the two previous parts. Speakers talk at a faster pace and sometimes they use advance vocabularies. Examples: a university tutor and students discussing an assignment, people talk about the professors' academic speech etc.

Focus on the given facts, key ideas and the speaker's opinions and attitudes.


It is an academic subject. It is the most difficult part. There is no break in the middle, the speaker talks quite quickly and uses a wide range of vocabularies.

Examples: lecture about endangered species about global warming and its effects, talks about how to bring up children, lecture about forest reserve, a university lecture etc.

Focus on the given facts, key ideas and the speaker's opinions and attitudes.

A wide range of English accents and dialects are used in the recordings which reflects the international usage of IELTS.


Context (every part of listening)

Number of speakers

1.   Social needs

conversation between two speakers

2.   social needs

speech by one person/speaker

3.   Educational or training

conversation between up to four speakers

4.   Academic subject

speech by one person/ speaker

 You can calculate your Band score by counting up your marks out of 40 and comparing them with the scores below:

Top 5 IELTS Listening Tips

1.   Familiarize yourself with a range of accents.

2.   Don’t lose your concentration.

To improve your concentration you need to practice active listening.

3.   Follow the instructions carefully.
This especially applies when it comes to the word limit. If the question states ‘No more than three words’ then you can’t write any more than this. If your answer is four words it will be incorrect.

4.   Familiarize yourself with the different question types.
Doing so will mean you’ll know exactly what to expect on test day and how to react to the question types you’re given. 

5.   Practice listening only once.

1.   Matching Questions

2.   Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

3.   Note completion

4.   Form completion

5.   Table completion

6.   Sentence completion

7.   Summary completion

8.   Short answer question

9.   Map and plan labelling                 

          Diagram and flow chart completion

1. Matching Questions

Candidates are given a list of items from the audio and are requested to match it with a set of options on the question paper. The set of options might be criteria of some kind. The questions will be sorted following the listening text order in the record. The information part will be a list of answers to match, they are in a random position, not following any specific order.


 2.                  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

In multiple choice questions, you are required to choose the correct answer from a list of options. There are two main types of question:

      i.            Single questions with a choice of 3 answers (A, B or C). Occasionally, there may be 4 options.

   ii.            List questions. These have a longer list of possible answers and you must select more than one as specified in the question.


The Strategy

1) Read the question

2) Look for a title

3) Underline the key word in the question

4) Predict the answer

5) Think of synonyms

6) Identify the difference

7) Watch out for distractors

8) Writing the answer

9) Guess if necessary

 3.  Note Completion

Note completion questions come up regularly in the IELTS Listening exam so there’s a high chance of you getting one in your test. They can take many different forms but will always be a gap fill activity of some sort where you have to fill in missing words. You could, for example, be asked to fill in missing words in a set of notes from a lecture or a list of instructions for a journey. It’s also common to make notes, for example, during meetings and telephone conversations or when browsing the internet for information on a particular topic, such as travel information for a holiday.

4.  Form completion

Form completion questions are one of the easiest types of IELTS Listening questions to answer as long as you know how to recognise and write the vocabulary they typically contain. Form completion questions are common in Section 1 of the test and the recording will often be a telephone conversation between two people.

The two most common types of form you’ll see are:

  • An application form

  • An order or quotation  form

Application Form


The recording for this sample question is a telephone conversation between the Youth Council administrator and a young man who wants to apply for election to the Youth Council.

                                         Quotation Form

5.  Table completion

Table completion questions come up regularly and can appear in any section of the test.

Table completion questions are gap fill questions that require you to fill in missing words. The table will be made up of columns and rows containing information.

Generally, tables categorise information, that is, they group pieces of information that are related in some way or share the same features. It follows an order.

6. Sentence completion

Sentence completion questions are one of the less common types of IELTS Listening questions but you need to know how to answer them in case you do get one.

They are a type of gap fill question where you must listen to the recording and fill in the missing words in the sentences to complete them. It's very often the ending of the sentence that you'll have to complete but you may also have to fill in words within sentences.

Sentence completion questions can appear in any section of the IELTS Listening test but as long as you have a good strategy to follow, you’ll be able to answer them successfully. Occasionally, you may be able to predict the actual word but it should certainly be possible to determine the type of word needed to fill each gap, such as,

a noun,   an adjective,   a verb, adverb, number

7.  Summary completion

Summary – a short, clear description that gives the main facts or ideas about something

For summary completion questions, you'll be given a summary of the recording. The recording will typically be a monologue on an academic subject such as a lecture on the Amazon rainforest or the Pyramids at Giza. There will be words missing from the summary which you must fill in.

This type of question is most likely to come up in Section 4, the most challenging part of the test. Occasionally, you’ll be able to predict the actual word but mostly it’s one or more of these things that you’ll be able to determine:

  • The type of information required, e.g. name of a person, place name, number, date.
  • The type of word required, e.g. noun, adjective, verb.

8. Short answer question

These come up regularly in the exam and can appear in any section of the test. They are particularly common in Section 2 which will be a monologue set in an everyday social context, for example, a welcome talk for new college students.

You must listen to the recording and write a short answer in each blank space provided. Synonyms and paraphrasing will be used extensively in the recording. So, you will not only be listening for the exact words that are used in the questions but also, different words and phrases that have the same meaning.

In your preparation time, scan the questions and underline key words that are likely to be replaced by synonyms or paraphrased. Then, quickly think of words that might be used instead.

Occasionally, you’ll be able to predict the actual word but mostly it’s one or more of these things that you’ll be able to determine:

  • The type of information required, e.g. name, date, time, phone number, address, price.
  • The type of word required, e.g. noun, adjective, verb.

Sometimes, more than one answer will be required, for example,

What are the TWO major concerns new students have regarding accommodation?

sample 1

Sample 2

9. Map and plan labelling

 These come up regularly in the exam and are particularly common in Section 2. The subject for plan questions will typically be a tour of a specific building such as a hotel or museum, or the description of a place. In map questions, the speaker will often talk about proposed changes to a location.

Your task is to listen to the recording and identify different areas, features or rooms. You will often be given a list of words from which to choose the correct answers. If no list is given, you will have to identify the answers from the recording. Many students find these one of the easiest question types to answer because the graphic will contain lots of clues as to the missing words, especially in the labels already present.

 In the recording for this sample question, the chairman of the Highways Committee is explaining the new traffic regulations and parking arrangements proposed for Granford at a public meeting.


In the recording for this sample question, the chairman of the Highways Committee is explaining the new traffic regulations and parking arrangements proposed for Granford at a public meeting.

For this question, the speaker is the librarian of a new town library. They are talking to a group of people who are visiting the library.

Strategy & Tips

You will have a short time to prepare before the speakers begin talking. Use this time to familiarize yourself with the question and focus your mind on what you need to listen out for.

1) Read the instructions

Read the instructions very carefully as the wording, and what you have to do, vary in this type of question. For example, the instructions for the first sample question state:

Write the correct letter, A–I, next to Questions 14–20

Very important: Write only the letter (A–I) on the plan. Do not write the word. If you do, your answer will be marked wrong.

So, if answer 11 was ’computers’, your answer would be 11 Cnot 11 computers.

2) Read the labels & title

Learn as much as you can about the map or plan from the existing labels, and the words in the answer list if there is one. Some maps and plans will also have a title which is another big clue as to the context of the question and what the recording will be about. For example, the question in IELTS Listening Sample Test 1 above, has the title ‘Proposed traffic changes in Granford’. Knowing this should bring a few ideas to mind as to the sort of information that will be included in the audio text. The more familiar you are with the vocabulary and the layout of the graphic, the easier it will be to understand and follow what the speaker says.

If there is no words list, try and predict what type of word the answers will be from the context of the plan or map, for example, is it a room, a building, a street, a feature such as a pond or a facility such as a public toilet.

Generally, the speaker will begin their talk by introducing themselves and the subject or purpose of the talk so this will also help you to understand the context.


3) Visualization

One of the skills needed to answer map and plan questions successfully is to be able to visualise what the place being described looks like.

We use maps and plans in everyday life so your brain will already be used to doing this, although you normally do it subconsciously without even thinking about it.

4) Answer order

The answers will come in the same order in the recording as they are listed in the question so, for our sample question, you'll hear answer 11 first, then answer 12 and so on. This makes it easier to pick out the answers than if they were in a random order.

5) Vocabulary

To do well in map and plan questions, you need to understand the language of location and direction.

  • Location – where something is in relation to another object or place.
  • Direction – the position towards which someone moves or faces


Common vocabulary of location:

  • near
  • next to
  • in front of
  • beside
  • between
  • across from


Common vocabulary of direction:

  • turn right
  • turn left
  • go straight on
  • go past
  • head south
  • northwest

6) Synonyms and paraphrasing

7) Watch out for distractors

8) Guess if necessary

10. Diagram and flaw-chart completion

Diagram labelling

In diagram labelling questions, you will be given a diagram of a process, an object, a structure or a machine and you must either fill in the missing labels or complete notes within the diagram.

You could get almost any topic. Examples of diagrams from past papers have included a beehive, a soda can, a fire extinguisher, a Ferris wheel, a zip fastener, a solar heating system, an undersea turbine and soil layers.

As long as you have a good strategy to follow, you’ll be able to answers questions on any subject. In fact, students generally find this one of the easiest question types to answer because the graphic and the existing labels give lots of clues as to what the missing words might be.

Flowchart Completion

Flowchart Completion questions, on the other hand, show the steps of a process. The process will have a start and an end with several steps in between. 

It could be about almost anything that can be broken down into stages, for example, the outline of a lecture or essay, an application process, the stages of a training course or a short manufacturing process.

The graphic in the sample question below shows the 3 stages of a project to design a water treatment system. Like most flowchart completion questions, it occurs in Part 3 where the recording will be a conversation between up to four people set in an educational or training context.

                                                                                By Bal Ram Shah


Friday, 15 September 2023

Discussion Essay ( Discuss Both View Essay)

A discussion essay presents and discusses issues surrounding a particular topic--usually one that is debatable and open to argument. A good discussion essay must include a thorough discussion of both sides of the topic. It should provide a well-rounded understanding of the issues before the writer presents his personal opinions and conclusions. As with most persuasive essay formats, the discussion essay's quality relies primarily on the writer's ability to provide solid research and evidence to present different views of the topic.

You will then be asked to discuss both sides of the argument and give your own opinion. Here is some typical wording that might be used:

      Discuss both views and give your opinion. 

      Discuss both these views and then give your own opinion. 

      Discuss both sides of this argument and give your own opinion.


1) Introduction

Paraphrase the question

State two supporting reasons
Give your opinion

2) Main body paragraph 1

Topic sentence – State the first view

Explanation – explain why this view is held by some people

Example – give an example to support this view

3) Main body paragraph 2

Topic sentence – State the second view

Explanation – explain why this view is held by some people

Example – give an example to support this view

 4) Conclusion

Summarise the key points and state your opinion

Sample 1

Some parents believe that cell phones are harmful to children, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is often argued by some father and mother that the usage of mobiles is detrimental to young person, whereas others believe that it is beneficial. Whilst a discussion of both these views is worthwhile, I am a supporter of the former view.

On the one hand, it is opined by some parents that cell phones are unsafe for juveniles as it will make them to distract from their studies. In other words, they will be glued with the devices by watching unwanted websites which will consequently impact their education by getting lower scores. In addition, it will indulge them to get into a trap or do some wrong activities by connecting to unknown person as a friend in the social media. For example, a recent survey conducted by the Indian government reports that 80% of crime such as child and women abuse, or rape had occurred because of the networking with illegal contact in the Facebook or Twitter. In my opinion, I agree with the above notion because it is risky for younger ones to use the mobile phones as it will ruin their career at an early age.

On the other hand, it is believed by some that it is safe for the children to use because it will be used in the case of emergencies. That is to say that they can call their elders when they met with any accidents or lost in someplace. Furthermore, it will help them to learn new things and acquire knowledge with the help of Google software. For instance, in the US, most of the juniors call their parents when they were lost or trapped by someone which will aid them to be saved by the police.

However, I do not support this notion as the drawback of the cell phones override its benefits because it will influence them to commit crimes.

In conclusion, although it is believed by some that it will secure them from the danger, I reiterate that it is harmful for the minors, which will affect their future growth by disobeying their parents and involving in them in crime activities. (353 words)

Sample 2

Some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But others believe that teenage should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find the most interest.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is considered by some that juveniles ought to pay attention to all subjects in the school curriculum while others think that they should put more effort in the subjects in which they perform well and are interested. In my opinion, I believe that teens must focus on all the different subjects rather than the ones which they are good at.

On the one hand, some think that minors should concentrate on all subjects and I agree. As the school curriculum has a wide variety of subjects which include the academic as well as the extra curriculum activities, It helps in the child’s overall development and they become an all-rounder’s. In other words, paying attention to all the subjects in school, let the children have a variety of options to choose for their future as they are still a very young age to decide a particular subject, as their subject of interest and continue it for a lifetime. Moreover, knowledge of every subject is necessary even in our daily lives for instance, simple mathematical calculations are required for grocery shopping to check and calculate the amount spent.

On the other hand, others believe that if the teenagers are interested and are performing well in a particular subject, they should focus more on it thus, considering that subject for their future studies.  Focusing on subjects that students find interesting can provide them with some advantages. First, if they feel passionate about a given subject, they will easily get along with the content and the topics involved since they are studying what they really like and enjoy. Consequently, they could reach better results and develop new skills for future studies. Also, when students focus on only a subject that they are good at, they can easily deepen into a specific area, knowing whether they want continue with the same track while getting new capacities and skills.

In my opinion, taking only one subject can restrict their options for further studies if their interests change and they will be left with no options, but to continue it. This can discourage them and may even lose interest in studies.

In conclusion, minors should be interested in all subjects in school as later on they have many options to decide from and will not be stuck with only one subject which they may dislike later.

Sample 3

Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.
Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion

Teaching methodology and pedagogy have undergone a drastic change over period of time. Some people believe use of computers in the education sector is a welcome change while others have an opposite opinion about it. This essay will discuss why usage of computer in the education sector has adverse ramifications but why its usage also brings out superior constructive consequences.

Introduction of computers in the schools seems to bring in ill effects for students and society. For students it not only has detrimental impact on their eyes but also weakens the student teacher relationship. For instance, students and teacher these days do not talk directly but via computer. In addition, with all assignments and examinations going online students have completely forgotten to write. Unfavorable consequences of technology are increasingly being discussed among critics.

On the other hand, computers and laptops have brought in a positive change in the way learning happens. These devices provide various tools and techniques like Microsoft excel to analyze and present the data in a beautiful manner. For example, Microsoft power point is a strong tool to showcase the research related findings in a graphical and attractive manner. In addition, availability of all the past information in the same device eradicates the need of searching old notebooks at home. These positive trends are increasingly becoming popular in various schools.

In conclusion, way of teaching has seen remarkable changes throughout. This essay discussed why use of computers in education domain is seen as negative but why opposite side is brighter and advantageous. In my opinion, use of computers have brought in blissful changes in the teaching methods.  (270 words)

Sample 4 

Some people spend a lot of money for their wedding ceremonies. However, others feel like it is unnecessary to spend a lot. Discuss both view points and give your own opinion.

Some people prefer to have a lavish wedding and they do not mind spending a lot of money on it. Others opine that such celebrations are a waste of money. I agree with this view. In my opinion, one can save this money and utilise it for better purposes.

An elaborate / expensive wedding has many benefits. For example, it creates memories that the couple can remember for their life. It is also an opportunity for young people to celebrate their happiness with their friends and family. Consequently, many people spend too much money on this occasion to make it memorable and to show off their wealth and status. Moreover, such occasions give family members and friends an opportunity to get together.

On the flip side, a big wedding can also waste a lot of money. Couples can achieve better things in their life with this money. For example, they can invest it for their children’s education. There are some people who take loans to celebrate their marriage lavishly. They have to grapple with the debt for years to come and that will take away all the joy in their life.
Another disadvantage of lavish weddings is that they spur competition. When someone holds an extravagant wedding celebration for themselves or their children, their friends and neighbours will feel compelled to do so. This mentality will eventually lead to a lot of problems in the society.

To conclude, although many people believe that spending a lot of money for marriages would bring happiness and contentment, I personally think that such occasions are a waste of money. Saving this money for use in the future is a much better idea. ( 279 words)

 Sample 5

Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Language acquisition has long been a subject of debate, with some asserting that its sole purpose lies in facilitating travel or employment abroad, while others argue that it serves broader intellectual and cultural purposes. This essay will explore both perspectives and present my stance on the matter emphasizing that learning a foreign language brings multifaceted advantages beyond utilitarian aspects.

On the one hand, those who believe that proficiency in a foreign language should be solely for employment and travel opine that we should learn a second language to enhance our communication skills during travel or work in foreign countries. For instance, fluency in Spanish allows individuals to immerse themselves in the rich cultures of various Latin American countries, fostering meaningful connections with locals and gaining a deeper appreciation for their traditions. Moreover, being bilingual or multilingual opens up a plethora of job opportunities in international organizations, diplomacy, and tourism sectors, where language skills are highly valued.

On the other hand, others believe asserting that learning a foreign language is solely for practical purposes overlooks the intrinsic value of this endeavour. Mastering another language broadens one's horizons and nurtures a deeper understanding of diverse worldviews. For example, delving into the nuances of Japanese grammar and culture enables learners to appreciate the intricacies of traditional Japanese literature, such as haiku or tanka, and thereby fosters a profound cultural exchange. Furthermore, language acquisition bolsters cognitive functions, including memory retention and problem-solving skills. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals exhibit enhanced cognitive flexibility, as they are constantly switching between languages and adapting to different linguistic structures.

In conclusion, while learning a foreign language facilitates travel and career prospects, its scope transcends these utilitarian goals. Embracing linguistic diversity nurtures cultural appreciation, fosters cognitive development, and enriches personal experiences. Therefore, learning a foreign language is a multifaceted pursuit that opens doors to a world of opportunities, expands the horizons of understanding, and broadens our perspectives on global interconnectedness.

Sample 6

Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people's lives. Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Different individuals have their own opinion about the happiest phase in human life. According to one camp, the teenage years are the most joyful times in the individual's life, while according to the other camp, people are more pleased when they are fully grown up. In this essay, both outlooks will be critiqued before reaching a reasoned conclusion.

On the one hand, some people feel that adolescent life is more joyful than mature years. The reason for believing this is that the youths do not have any duties and can live a carefree life. In other words, no one is actually dependent on them and thereby, they can spend most of the time performing the task they enjoy the most. Thus, it is apparent that they can feel satisfied with whatever they do and in turn, will always live a happy life.

On the other hand, there are groups of individuals who consider adulthood as the most blissful phase of their life. The people advocate such a concept because they feel that a person can experience happiness only when they are able to satisfy others' needs. This means that for such people definition of happiness is being able to fulfil their responsibilities and the desires of their close ones. Therefore, the theory of grown-ups with duties being the most contented living creatures is difficult to debunk.

In conclusion, although having no responsibilities can help people to stay happy, knowing that they are able to satisfy their relatives' requirements brings more happiness. Thus, it is seen that older people are happier than young people.


Sample 7

Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Nowadays, the co-educational system is considered as the best option in many countries. Some believe that it is better that young females and males study separately, while others mention that studying together can be more beneficial. I will discuss both sides and will give my opinion.

On the one hand, those believing that education systems should be a separate gender-based system have their own reasons. One is that this method can be safer. Every year, numerous sexual offences are reported by the local or national news, regarding of rape or other inappropriate sexual behaviours, especially in countries permitting both genders to study in one school. However, studying in single-gender-institutions can reduce the rate of these figures. As a prime example, thousands of sexual assaults are reported in the U.S. schools annually but had the government considered unisex education, these rates would have dramatically decreased. Another reason is that this system may raise religious conflicts. In some countries, some opponents are not interested in sending their children to these types of schools, and this has become hot potato between different religious groups. For instance, French Islamic citizens prefer their children to study in a single sex school, whereas the administration admits both genders in one educational place.

On the other hand, I personally give a green light to those supporting co-educational system. The first reason behind it is that this system definitely would be less costly. Clearly, to divide girls and boys, governments have to spend more money on education because they cannot use empty spaces of a female school for a male one, or vice versa. As a result, less educational facilities should be provided for scholars, declining the total education budget. Furthermore, this method can improve students’ communication skills. Obviously, having a better relationship with the opposite sex, juveniles will have a closer relationship not only during their study but during their matrimonial life. They generally have fewer marriage problems with their partner due to having a better experience before. In this way, Sigmund Freud, a very familiar former psychologist, believe that humans’ social skills are fundamentally developed as they have closer feelings to their opposite sex during childhood.

In conclusion, although in some countries co-educational system is not popular, I agree with it. Not only in this measure more governmental budget can be saved, but youth can have better relationships with the opposite gender. Hopefully, a global tendency will propagate this method of education in the near future.

Sample 8

Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole. Discuss this view and give your own opinion.

A healthy diet plays a very important role in maintaining people’s health. Some people argue that we should eat no fish and meat to have our own health better and it is also valuable to the world. In my opinion, I agree that this will bring many advantages but also causes several drawbacks.


First of all, it is undeniable that by dint of eating like a vegetarian, people will have a nice body and more chance to avoid several chronic diseases. To specify, vegetables and fruits, which contain a rich source of vitamins and minerals, will enable people to keep a fit and healthy body. Moreover, with a low amount of fats, cholesterol, or saturated fats, people will not have to worry about gaining weight or obesity as well as other related health issues like high blood pressure or heart diseases. For example, since I ate more vegetables, my body became stronger and my weight stayed unchanged over time.


Sticking to vegetarian meals, we can contribute to saving the world. In more detail, the fact is that every year, the food processing industry consumes a large amount of clean water to produce meat or beef and release tons of waste and smoke into the environment. Additionally, due to overfishing for food, many species of fish in seas, rivers, lakes are endangered and facing extinction. Therefore, if we remove meat and fish from our meal, we can prevent this.

Though nonveg food items might have an edge when it comes to having nutritional enrichment, it could be substituted by umpteen food substitutes available.


In conclusion, it is not always good if we only eat vegetables but we should reduce the amount of meat and fish as well as eat more vegetables for healthier living.


Sample 9

Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Many people believe that sports facilities are essential for improving public health as sporting activity helps to maintain body diet. But sports facility is not the only solution to improve public health. While a healthy place lets us live a healthy life, living in a dirty place and bad foods lead to numbers of health problems. In my opinion, other measures are required to improve public health along with the increase of sports facilities.

Sports facilities are very important for public health either directly or indirectly. If you exercise regularly, you will have less disease than others who do not exercise at all. Beside this, doctors always prescribe to walk in the morning for controlling various diseases like diabetes. Moreover, sports facilities let the children grow healthy and tall. Furthermore, to the fact, sporting activity keeps you away from getting addicted to alcohol or drugs. So, the importance of sports facility cannot be ignored in any way.

On the other hand, other measures like reducing water contamination, environmental pollution, air and sound pollution etc. are important to improve public health. Doctors always prescribe for fresh air which is very important for healthiness. Moreover, there are a number of deadly viruses transmits via air and water. So, if we can reduce air and water pollution, it will help to improve public health certainly.

Finally, everybody needs to understand the reasons behind health deterioration. All specialist doctor related to public health emphasises the importance of pollution free environment, balanced diet as well as an increase of sports facilities. In my opinion, various measures need to be taken to improve public health by the appropriate authority rather than concentrating on a particular issue like increasing sports facilities only.

Sample 10

In today’s competitive world, many families find it necessary for both parents go out to work. While some say the children in these families benefit from the additional income, others feel they lack support because of their parents’ absence.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Competitive life has placed such a financial burden on many families that it is hard to live on one parent’s salary. While some believe that both parents’ income is beneficial for children, I would argue that it is parental support that plays an important role in their life.


On one hand, having more than one breadwinner in a family is advantageous for some reasons. First, it is possible for parents to carry out more satisfactory and rewarding childcare. Children in rural areas, for example, are unfortunately denied the chance of going to school because parents’ income is limited. However, these privileged children whose parents are usually economically successful are more likely to succeed in future career. Further, taking care of themselves without parental support is also a good way to develop essential life skills such as self-protection.


While the benefits of having additional income may be true to certain extent, I strongly believe that the lack of family bond due to parents’ absence may pose some threats to their children. First, they are not adequately provided with love and care from their birth givers. Parents who are under tremendous time pressure at work are not sensitive enough to notice any changes in teenagers’ mental life and thus, unable to share their story. In other words, they may feel more distant from the family and become isolated or even autistic. Parents can also lose control over their children considering little amount of time spent with them. As a result, they are likely to indulge in several social evils such as game-addition or drinking.


From the above-mentioned reasons, it seems to me that it is more essential to build a strong family connection in comparison with a financial state. Therefore, parents’ work should be distributed in order to spend more time with their children.


Sample 11

Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of the fear of crime. Some believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime. Others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The popularity of crime today has made people stay indoors for self-protection. While it is a common belief that reducing the crime rate is a nearly impossible mission, I hold the view that there are certain measures which can convert the world into a safer place to live in.


On the one hand, many people argue that in such current era of moral decadence, any attempts to prevent crime would turn out to be a failure. Poverty and unemployment are considered chief precursors to law violation, and only when these two social issues are eliminated will crime disappear. However, it is true that a society can only provide a limited number of jobs for its residents, and those who are not lucky enough to receive good education from childhood would find it difficult to pursue a career to make ends meet. Such individuals are lack of both skills and orientation, and from their perspective, becoming a thief might be a better way to survive compared to unstably living on governmental subsidies or performing menial work. It seems that the root of this problem cannot be solved completely, and this is why how to halt law-breaking may remain as an insurmountable question for the government.


On the other hand, I am of the opinion that there are still solutions to maintain criminal justice. Firstly, stricter sets of laws are required, and the penalties should be corresponding to the severity of the wrongdoings. In a variety of countries, such as the United Kingdom or Italy, the capital punishment has been abandoned; but I believe it should be reintroduced as the fear of death may deter the potential offenders and stop them from committing serious crime. Secondly, the government should encourage companies and organizations to expand and run more projects. These actions create jobs; therefore, those who live under the poverty line not only do not have to become pickpockets or burglars for survival but also stand a chance to earn a living with their own clean money.


In conclusion, I believe that the aforementioned measures can create more peaceful communities and ensure the safety of the residents.


Sample 12

Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end hunger and poverty, while others say that economic growth is damaging the environment so it must be stopped. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is true that some people contend that economic growth is the only solution to the global problems of hunger and poverty. Others, however, argue for an end to economic growth to conserve our environment. I agree completely with this second view.


Those who see economic growth alone as the sole cure for the tragedy of world hunger and poverty propose one major argument. Only the growth of the economies of developing countries will provide the poor with the wealth to afford the basic necessities of life. The profits made by corporations that are responsible for this economic growth will trickle down in the form of financial benefits to be enjoyed by the starving and needy. This view has justified the age of imperialism and the destruction of the livelihood of millions in the name of progress.


On the other hand, there are countless examples to support the opposing view that economic growth results in environmental destruction. Firstly, this is true for developing countries, where lowland rainforests have been cleared and unsustainable agricultural practices introduced to produce cash crops, often for export. Secondly, it is also true for developed economies. For example, the continued use of fossil fuels, which provide the energy for growing industrialization, causes global warming. This leads to a rise in sea levels, which will eventually make tens of millions of poor people in Bangladesh homeless.


In conclusion, economic growth which is not sustainable must be stopped. If it is not based on meeting human needs rather than generating profits, such growth will only create more poverty and lead to more hunger in the world by destroying natural resources.


Sample 13

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

Some people believe that living in big cities is becoming more difficult. Others believe that it is getting easier. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

The increasing trend of migration towards urban centres is a testament to the allure of city life, promising opportunities and a vibrant environment. However, the urban landscape poses its own set of challenges. This essay will explore the difficulties of city living—congestion and limited access to green spaces—and suggest measures governments can implement to enhance the overall urban experience.

Congestion stands out as a prominent issue in cities, leading to traffic gridlock and inefficient transportation systems. The high density of vehicles contributes to increased travel times, elevated stress levels, and environmental degradation. Urban planning that prioritizes efficient public transportation, invests in alternative mobility solutions such as bike lanes and implements congestion pricing can help alleviate traffic congestion and enhance the overall commuting experience.

Furthermore, the scarcity of green spaces in cities is a growing concern. Limited access to parks and recreational areas diminishes residents' opportunities for outdoor activities, exercise, and relaxation. Green spaces are essential for mental well-being and community engagement. Governments can address this challenge by incorporating green infrastructure in urban planning, creating new parks, and revitalizing existing ones. Such initiatives not only provide a respite from the urban hustle but also contribute to a healthier and more connected community.

In conclusion, congestion and limited access to green spaces represent significant challenges in urban living. Governments can play a pivotal role in addressing these difficulties through thoughtful urban planning, investment in sustainable transportation solutions, and a commitment to enhancing green infrastructure. By tackling these issues comprehensively, cities can evolve into more livable, inclusive, and sustainable environments for their diverse residents.



Affirmative and Negative

  Affirmative and Negative 1 Simple Present Tense Structure: Subject + do/does + not + base verb + object. Affirmative: She p...