Thursday, 26 October 2023


These are the combination of words which are used together with greater than usual frequency.

§  latest gossip (adjective + noun)

§  package holiday (noun + noun)

§  have a great time (verb + adjective + noun)

§  discuss calmly (verb + adverb)

§  completely satisfied (adverb + adjective)

§  hand in an assignment (verb + preposition + noun)

Verb + noun

§  make a decision

§  take a risk

§  give a presentation

§  do the dishes

§  have a bath

§  go to the movies

Adjective + noun

§  good idea

§  interesting topic

§  bad news

§  big mistake

§  difficult task

§  new challenge

A dverb + adjective

§  very good

§  somewhat new

§  quite bad

§  really difficult

§  extremely interesting

§  quite challenging

§  Preposition + noun

§  in the morning

§  to the store

§  from work

§  At the end of the day

§  on the weekend

§  with a friend

We are providing important PTE Collocations. So in order to learn collocations just read five times before going for the actual exam. Again I am repeating, you only need to read it and don’t try to memorize it because it is quite lengthy. This is important as well along with newspaper and journals. This is important as compared to just practicing the individual sections

What is a PTE academic collocation list?

A collocation is a group of words often go together to make a specific meaning.

Collocations are critical to enhancing your English. It also plays an important role in the PTE Academic test, especially in the Reading section.

Why it’s important?

Many students struggle with Reading and Writing Fill in the Blanks since they lack a solid understanding of common expressions in a specific context.

Collocations are considered one of the “golden keys” to help you solve Fill in the Blanks questions easier.

Additionally, it also greatly improves your essay writing skills and forms answers to forms answers to Summarise Spoken Text questions better.

Tips for memorizing collocations

Students often have trouble with collocations for many reasons. Notably, they commonly translate directly from their native tongue.

No more worry! These top tips can help you learn collocation effectively:

  1. Read often: Read as much as you can. Focus on how words are combined in phrases and expressions. Take notes and review them if necessary.
  2. Use flashcards: Make flashcards with collocations and their meanings. Read them over and over again until you can memorize them.
  3. Apply collocations in different contexts: Instead of cramming collocations, use them in different situations when writing English and communicating daily. Therefore, you can remember them better and longer.
  4. Observe native speakers: Listen or watch how they use collocations through TV shows, movies, and podcasts.
  5. Practice makes perfect: The more you use collocations, the easier you can grasp and use them correctly. You can practice with the MAGIC Platform for more flexible and effective learning.

Tips for PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks!

  1. Eliminate the wrong options to maximize the chance of a correct answer.
  2. Don’t spend more than 2 minutes on one question.
  3. Use collocation techniques to choose the correct answer.
  4. Search for the missing part of speech to choose the right word for the gap. Always understand the context of the sentence before choosing the word. For instance, hearing and listening infer different meanings.
  5. Develop good vocabulary to help rescue in a difficult situation when new words come for options.
  6. Adapt skimming techniques for the long passage to save time in reading the PTE exam.


1. Use Elimination Strategy

Use Elimination Strategy Eliminate all the options that do not make sense in the given context. Take a look at each option one after another and check if it fits the sentence. Eliminate all the options that are not suitable for the given space.

2. Attempt all the Questions

Attempt all the Questions Do not miss the opportunity to score even if you are unsure about it. Make a logical prediction for such questions.

3. Re-Check the Answers

Re-Check the Answers to identify errors and correct them immediately.

4. Expand Your Vocabulary Range

Expand Your Vocabulary Range the English language has many similar words. Fill in the blanks task demands a good knowledge of synonyms and antonyms for certain words.

Pen down new words that you come across while doing the PTE Study It will boost your knowledge and help in increasing your PTE Exam Score.

5. Grammar is Essential

Grammar is as Essential as vocabulary for any language. Concentrate on your grammatical accuracy, and learn the fundamentals of the English Language. Learn if the word is a noun/adjective/verb and know the basics of word arrangement, i.e., subject + verb + object.

Use proper articles(a/an/the) for an object. Make the use of “s” at the end of a word to describe the plural form, i.e., if there are two cats, “s” is placed at the end of “cat” to describe the plural form.

6. Select the Answer that Best Fits the Context

Candidates should select the answer that best fits the context and adds meaning to the sentence. Select the option that is relevant to the topic of the passage.

PTE Reading Method for Fill in the Blanks

  1. Skim the test to get an overall idea about the main topic. If you have understood the passage’s content well, you can quickly fill in the blank spaces.
  2. Read the passage in detail and go through the given options. There might be slight differences in the options provided, making it difficult for you to select the right option. But, read the sentence before and after filling the blank space to get the exact choice for the particular sentence.
  3. The words before and after the gaps may give you an idea about the correct answer. Pay attention to the verb form used for the sentence and make the best use of your grammatical knowledge to select the right option.
  4. Sometimes the meaning and context of the passage play an essential role in deciding the answer. And for other times, the use of common collocations can assist in choosing the appropriate response from the list of options.
  5. Manage your time wisely. Spend less time on the answers that you feel confident about. Always save your time for the difficult questions and review these questions at the end for more effective results. Make sure you answer all the questions as there is no negative marking in this task.


 Verb collocations




have a bath
have a drink
have a good time
have a haircut
have a holiday
have a problem
have a relationship
have a rest
have lunch
have sympathy

do business
do nothing
do someone a favour
do the cooking
do the housework
do the shopping
do the washing up
do your best
do your hair
do your homework

make a difference
make a mess
make a mistake
make a noise
make an effort
make furniture
make money
make progress
make room
make trouble




take a break
take a chance
take a look
take a rest
take a seat
take a taxi
take an exam
take notes
take someone's place
take someone's temperature

break a habit
break a leg
break a promise
break a record
break a window
break someone's heart
break the ice
break the law
break the news to someone
break the rules

catch a ball
catch a bus
catch a chill
catch a cold
catch a thief
catch fire
catch sight of
catch someone's attention
catch someone's eye
catch the flu




pay a fine
pay attention
pay by credit card
pay cash
pay interest
pay someone a compliment
pay someone a visit
pay the bill
pay the price
pay your respects

save electricity
save energy
save money
save one's strength
save someone a seat
save someone's life
save something to a disk
save space
save time
save yourself the trouble

keep a diary
keep a promise
keep a secret
keep an appointment
keep calm
keep control
keep in touch
keep quiet
keep someone's place
keep the change




come close
come complete with
come direct
come early
come first
come into view
come last
come late
come on time
come prepared
come right back
come second
come to a compromise
come to a decision
come to an agreement
come to an end
come to a standstill
come to terms with
come to a total of
come under attack

go abroad
go astray
go bad
go bald
go bankrupt
go blind
go crazy
go dark
go deaf
go fishing
go mad
go missing
go on foot
go online
go out of business
go overseas
go quiet
go sailing
go to war
go yellow

get a job
get a shock
get angry
get divorced
get drunk
get frightened
get home
get lost
get married
get nowhere
get permission
get pregnant
get ready
get started
get the impression
get the message
get the sack
get upset
get wet
get worried

Miscellaneous collocations


Business English


bang on time
dead on time
early 12th century
free time
from dawn till dusk
great deal of time
late 20th century
make time for
next few days
past few weeks
right on time
run out of time
save time
spare time
spend some time
take your time
tell someone the time
time goes by
time passes
waste time

annual turnover
bear in mind
break off negotiations
cease trading
chair a meeting
close a deal
close a meeting
come to the point
dismiss an offer
draw a conclusion
draw your attention to
launch a new product
lay off staff
go bankrupt
go into partnership
make a loss
make a profit
market forces
sales figures
take on staff

a ball of string

a bar of chocolate

a bottle of water

a bunch of carrots

a cube of sugar

a pack of cards

a pad of paper

 Most common collocations

There are some collocation words that have a wide number of collocation combinations – they may be ‘weak’, but they are extremely useful!

Here are a few examples:


make trouble

make noise

make a mess

make a point

make an appointment

make sense

make a profit

make progress

make an excuse

make a phone call


have a rest    

have sympathy    

have lunch    

have a good time    

have a dream    

have a chat 

have an experience    

have a feeling    

have fun    

have a look at something    



get married

get a job

get a life

get divorced

get the message

get started

get lost

get home

get angry

get the phone


catch fire

catch a train

catch a thief

catch a cold

catch a bus

catch the flu

catch a glimpse

catch one’s breath

catch someone’s eye

catch someone’s attention



go bald

go bad

go crazy

go abroad

go astray

go missing

go on a trip

go bankrupt

go for a drink

go out of business


do harm

do good

do nothing

do damage

do your best

do your hair

do the dishes

do an experiment

do something right

do someone a favour


1. There are many  benefits of exercising regularly.

2. We must  assess the situation before making a decision.

3. I don’t like living in  areas. I prefer small villages in the countryside.

4. I think we can  assume he didn’t work hard on his essay as it was very poor.

5. The scientists made an  analysis of the causes of the disease.

6. I think you are taking the  approach towards the problem. There are better ways to solve it.

7. The surgeon coming to give the seminar is the  authority on neurological problems.

8. Recreational drugs are  available in the city’s nightclubs.

9. Unfortunately, eating only fruit and vegetables to cure illness is an  concept to most people. The first thing they will do is take pills and medicine.

10. This page consists  of exercises to practice collocations with the academic word list.


1. health

2. fully

3. built-up

4. safely

5. in-depth

6. wrong

7. leading

8. widely

9. alien

10. entirely

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