Thursday 1 June 2023

PTE Speaking Module with major tips and templates to get high band score


Describe Image

For this task, you will be prompted to give a verbal response to a single or more images, occasionally the question would also come with text. The response length should be at a minimum of 25 seconds long and up to a maximum of 40 seconds. Additionally, it should be noted that in some rare circumstances, the image can be very odd or even bizarre which may catch students off guard.

It is important that you speak about the key information in the image. This is not a test of your analytical skills, so don’t worry about capturing each and everything.

Your response to PTE Describe Image should follow a proper structure and your speaking should display good quality of pronunciation and fluency.

Major tips to secure better band score:

1.     Content is not as important as pronunciation or fluency.

2.     You are not expected to explain every detail within the image

3.     Try to speak more than 30 seconds.

4.     Organize your description of image.

Note: You should focus these parts while practicing this section.

·        Introduction

·        Describe the main features: highest and lowest, maximum and minimum.

·        Talk in detail with the mentioned colors, numbers, percentage etc.

·        Conclusion

There are 5 types of Describe Images typically show in the PTE Academic Test.

1.    Bar Chart

2.    Pie Chart

3.    Line Chart

4.    Table

5.    Others – Flow Chart, Map, Mixed Chart, Picture, etc.

Your answer can be assessed in these categories with the score for each question.

Each Describe image is of 15 marks as under:

Content – 5
Pronunciation – 5
Oral Fluency – 5

Use the template

The image in front of me looks interesting and fascinating.
Let me take a closer look and by looking closely I can see it is a _______
The heading provided on top of the picture is _______There are some words in this picture namely _______There are some numbers in this picture such as _______  in percentage/dollars/year with some colors provided such as _______Overall, it can be concluded that this image is having crucial information about the topic, strongly supported by important facts and figures and have great impact on <heading>

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